Friday, September 12, 2008

Who Dressed You?

Sometimes when William and Dad emerge from a diaper change there will be some interesting wardrobe changes - a shirt will be on backwards, pants on backwards and you get the idea. In his defense designers aren't consistent with putting the snaps on the front of the shirt or pockets on the back of pants. (I usually take my cues from the ubiquitous tag.)
I never imagined that it would happen with a one-piece outfit.

Note the backwards pants. For the record William is constantly in motion on the changing table so we are often putting diapers on and dressing him in the midst of serious contortions.

This isn't cruel. Mia really likes accessories. In fact, she begged April to put this on her and then pranced around most of the day very pleased with herself.

William loves to grab a book and plop down in Dad's lap.


grk said...

that little dude is beautiful. He's got a Lord of the Rings elf quality going on. You grow em good in NC.

Allison said...

that is very sweet of you to say. he has been asking when he gets to meet the lovely Pela he sees on the computer. he is saving a spot for her on his firetruck if you guys want to head south for the winter and thaw out a bit.

Unknown said...

Mia is quite a snappy dresser. I would ask if Olive could borrow that sweater, but it might be a little "snug," to put it politely.

Have a fun week!

grk said...

thanks - [snif]