Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lots of messiness

As William gets more and more active so the mess ensues.

Get over it I told myself. Sure, I have been letting William feed himself cereals and less messy things for a while now. How else will he learn to independently eat unless you allow him to feed himself off the tray? Other parents seem okay with it, you can deal with a little mess. After about ten minutes of this and a mess that took even longer to clean up I couldn't handle it anymore. I think my limit was when he reached over and wiped his hand covered in vegetables on our table. I will try again another day. And with something tastier than steamed veggies.

Even a few goldfish can become a laundry weapon in William's hands.

I saw teething biscuits at the store. Great idea I thought, since the boy has been cutting molars for a while and pretty much eats constantly all day long. What I didn't realize is that these rock hard cookies just release a brown ooze for however long the boy has patience for. Mia tried her hardest to curtail the damage by following him around and licking up every drop but the shirt couldn't be saved. I will be doing an oxyclean demonstration later today for those interested. I hope that getting excited and yelling about the power of oxyclean will ensure that the shirt emerges spotless.

Some new dance moves (and yes he is dancing on window treatments).

William tempts Daddy to stop napping with all sorts of fun toys.

This is what it looks like right before you are whacked in the face with a plastic cup. Note that Mia is just recovering from it.


mohohens said...

My advice, even though you didn't ask, is to sit with him the entire time he eats until you can be sure he won't make a mess. I have sat with Jonas every time he eats and eat with him so that I can get some food in. He has thrown food down once or twice when he was not hungry, but other than that is pretty good. I've always been there to correct him right away if I can tell he's even thinking about it. This morning he fed himself pancakes with a fork! Plastic of course.

Allison said...

I wish it were that easy. I always sit with him the entire time he eats. That is a total of three hours a day (yes he eats for an entire hour three times a day). And trust me, there is no avoiding the mess even with supervision. He throws food once or twice a minute. He has several sneaky methods: the reaching down to play with his high chair buckle and toss; the scratching the back of his head (only to either use that as a pull back for a big toss, just to drop the food behind him, or to hide food in the ringlets at the nape of his neck); and his favorite that is a smashing reminiscent of gallagher.
He can work a spoon pretty well and can fool you after a few normal bites. Then the next thing you know it could be in his ear, apparel, dogs mouth, or anywhere within seven feet of his person.
I have tried every form of correction in the book and am at a loss. I will comfort myself by saying he is just smart and motivated but that his goals aren't in line with what I would choose... yet. Or that he is practicing to star in a paper towel commercial.

mohohens said...

Hmm. Man. I just thought it was my stellar parenting and it turns out I have a very easy child. I should've known. I'm not that good! The only other suggestion I have is to not give him any snacks within 2 hours of eating so that he's good and hungry. It's only for a short while...

Allison said...

You are a great parent. And since we don't have carpet in the dining room it isn't that bad. And Mia is loving every minute of it.