Monday, September 29, 2008

I didn't know you could buy that anyway

We are currently shopping around for office furniture since almost everything is sitting in boxes on the floor right now. While perusing the offerings at Ikea we came across this.

Ikea sells a vast selection of goods but if you want lightning you will have to buy it separately. I think that is a smart move by the retail giant since lightning has been known to be destructive and dangerous.


mohohens said...

We'll blame it on the fact they are Swedish.

Unknown said...

Do they at least sell Swedish Fish? I love those.

Allison said...

I don't remember if they sell Swedish Fish. They do sell a killer good chocolate cake and I enjoy their sandwiches. I do like that they sort of hint that you could buy the lightning somewhere.
Maybe people in Sweden expect more from their retailers. I can hear someone now getting upset that the price doesn't include lightning, as if that were the norm.