Thursday, September 18, 2008

Our Week

It has been busy around here. We celebrated our 7th anniversary with a leaky roof and a sick child. But it has been fun nonethelss. William is keeping us on our toes as usual...

He loves to crawl in Mia's house. It drives Mia crazy.

His new thing is putting his fingers in his ears (like "I'm not listening to you"). He and Daddy are having fun with it.

This is for Gloria. Neifi is posing next to the lush avocado plant that has not died!


Brad said...

If I'm not mistaken, this is the bald spot's debut on this blog. There it is in all its glory. Man...
On another note, I have an incredible wife. I love you baby.

mohohens said...

Nice! I'm glad to see the avocado still going. I, unfortunately, abandoned all my plants in Missouri since I didn't think they would make it 5 days in the back of a Uhaul in the heat and no light. William's blonde, curly locks are adorable!

Allison said...

ah, yes, the bald spot. i will make a label for it since it may show up again and in case anyone wants to track its progress.

yes, the avocado lives! there have been some shaky times when i thought it was a goner but it perseveres. i look forward to its future as a huge bush/tree in my yard that the neighbors wish i would prune.
i bet there are many avocado pits in portland begging for your lovin'.

grk said...

you have quite the adorable boy! my sister also tells me what a sweetie he is :) we miss you guys and hope to meet little william soon!!!

grk said...

oops! and this is slk not grk as was that last post. btw...i didn't even notice the bald spot but now i shall go back and take another look!