Tuesday, August 7, 2007

William - Day 6

All seems to be going well in the "raising William" adventure. Last night we slept pretty much all night - just stopping every few hours to feed. It was wonderful, and Allison and I are well rested today. William continues to grow. He is now back to his birth weight. At this rate (about 3.5 oz. a day), he will be roughly 450 lbs by his 5th birthday. Alright! He is enjoying "tummy time" in his crib. This morning he noticed his mobile for the first time and seems to be enjoying it.

My family has come and gone, and I already can't wait for them to come back to visit. Both sets of grandparents have been tremendously supportive, and we can't thank them enough for their help. Our fridge is stocked with delicious food. Allison's sister sent over a couple of huge trays of food this weekend, and Elizabeth, my debate partner from high school, and her husband had Salem Kitchen send over chicken pie and mashed potatoes for dinner last night. Yummy! Thanks to everyone for your abundant support. We couldn't do it without you.

As we spend time with William, we are surprised at how much it teaches us about God. His faithfulness to us in providing us wisdom and strength as parents; how much He cares for His children; the pain He must have felt in giving up His only Son on our behalf. This morning, William was very hungry, but just wouldn't nurse for some reason. We watched him flail around and get frustrated with his hunger right there in his mother's arms. We talked about how frustrating it must be to God when we get caught up in trying to figure out our own way and fail to take the spiritual food He puts right in front of us. Good lesson.

Some more pictures for you (click on any of the pictures or go here for tons more):

And in honor of our good night of sleep last night, some sleepy pics:

HT: My brother Scott, who takes amazing photos, took the first and third pictures above. See his page here.


sarah said...

I'm so glad I got to meet (not hold) your cute boy today. Hope you guys enjoy the food. If you eat yours first, let me know how it goes.

Sorry that Isaac stole William's sock. He just can't help himself. :)

Brad said...

I thought the sock thing was pretty cute. He's a good kid. We like him a lot. I hope William gets to be good friends with him.

Thanks again for coming by and bringing us food. We're going eat it tomorrow night for dinner.

Kevin Wenzel said...

Great pictures, y'all. Congratulations on the recent arrival!

Jude said...

What a cutie!! I love the pics. Glad to hear you are getting some rest, hang in there, sleeping through the night will be just around the bend!! :) It is amazing how much more you grasp, embrace and are in awe of God's sacrifices when you have that new little one isn't it? We'll call soon to set up a visit, although it seems you are stocked on food... LOL!!