Monday, January 21, 2008

Another Road Trip

William is such a wonderful little traveler that he took yet another road trip this past Friday. It was a 4 hour drive (each way) to Conway, SC to meet his Great Nana (Allison's grandmother). He took the entire trip without any complaint and some extra long napping. It helps that his Ooloo graciously entertained him in the backseat for a much of the ride home. Great Nana was able to comprehend who he is and who we were so we considered the trip a success. He smiled at her a lot and she absolutely loved him and was so distracted by him she wouldn't eat lunch. They played and laughed and she asked us to come back again.

Another road trip?

Drumming on a snowy day

Great Nana has been too weak to feed herself for over a year but one look at William and she wanted to hold him and did so for a while (with a spotter). Her comment was "Ooh, he is heavy"

Playing with Gyro the lamb


Unknown said...

he's really a cutie, you guys. we look forward to meeting him! hopefully it won't be too long.

jena said...

What a wonderful trip. I am so glad you could go!

Allison said...

yes, Sarah, hopefully it won't be too long. there are many new little ones to meet here. and we look forward to seeing Pela's sweet face in person.

it was a great trip. on a funny side note my gma has a bit of demetia so just recognizing us is a big deal. whenever my mom would walk away my gma would pull me aside and ask if i am married (she has met Brad numerous times). she was quite concerned in her confusion. it was cute.